2023年11月28日下午,古巴马里埃尔发展特区代表团一行24人访问我院。代表团成员包括古巴马里埃尔发展特区办公室、古巴通信部、古巴外贸外资部、古巴劳工和社会保障部、古巴科技和环境部等政府部门及国有企业高层管理者。 我院党委委员、副院长董海涛会见代表团一行。董海涛副院长向代表团的来访表示热烈欢迎,他带领古巴客人参观学院并重点介绍了学院的创建背景、功能定位、特色课程、配套设施等情况。在座谈交流环节,董海涛副院长回顾了深圳经济特区创建与发展、产业转型升级历程等,随后,双方以互动研讨的方式,就深圳在城市规划设计、城市安全保障、产业发展、国企管控等方面的经验做法进行了深入讨论。古巴客人对深圳40多年改革开放取得的成就非常钦佩,表示深圳经验让大家大开眼界、深受启发。 学院自建院以来立足国家战略与学院定位,高度重视国际交流合作,今年下半年以来已接待来自古巴、土耳其、特立尼达和多巴哥等数个国家代表团前来学院参观交流。Welcome Friends from afar - Cuban Government Delegation Visiting us On November 28th, 2023, a delegation from Cuba visited our academy for exchange and tour. The delegation members included high-level managers from various government departments and state-owned enterprises in Cuba, such as the Mariel Development Special Zone Office, Cuban Ministry of Communications, Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade, Investment and International Cooperation, Cuban Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. During their visit, the delegation was received by member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Academy, Mr. Dong Haitao. Mr. Dong warmly welcomed the delegation and gave them a tour of the academy, focusing on the academy's background, functional orientation, distinctive programs, and supporting facilities. In the discussion session, Mr. Dong reviewed the history of the founding and development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and its industrial transformation and upgrading process. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the experiences and practices of Shenzhen in urban planning and design, urban security, industrial development, and state-owned enterprise management through interactive research. The Cuban guests were very impressed by Shenzhen's achievements in reform and opening up over the past 40 years and said that the Shenzhen experience had broadened their horizons and inspired them greatly. Since its establishment, the academy has been committed to international exchanges and cooperation, and has received delegations from several countries, including Cuba, Turkey, Trinidad and Tobago, for visits and exchanges since the beginning of this year.